Sabtu, 20 April 2013

pidato berbahasa inggris

Assalamu Alaikum warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Thank you for the opportunity that is given.
Good morning, let us pray thanksgiving to Allah SWT and not forget the blessings on the Prophet Muhammad SAW, best wishes for all of us.
Education is a fundamental component in the development of this country. The quality of education in Indonesia must be repaired. Education is a long process, to achieve the goals that will foster strong and intelligent man became the new nation of Indonesia to Indonesian.
Currently Indonesia is experiencing a crisis of educators, education funding is costly and means of education.
As the nation is left behind. the only way to achieve the nation is to improve education to make an intelligent nation through the national education system.
But the path is very long and difficult because the issue of education is strongly associated with economic, security and other social problems.
Education should foster independence, self drive and taught to appreciate the differences. Looking a head, the education system must be transformed from a motivational instructional achievement, creativity, and virtuous character.
Thank you for your attention.
Thus from my speech, there was a mistake sorry.
Wassalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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